Petersfield Tree Location Survey – report published

The project exploring where in Petersfield more trees could be planted was announced in a post in March last year. It is pleasing to report that the Report of the project has now been completed and is available for download or purchase – go to the Petersfield Society website for further information.

The report summarises the reasons for the survey, how it was carried out by citizen science volunteers, the main results of the survey and their implications. It discusses the importance of more tree planting for Petersfield, its residents and general liveability, in the face of climate change and the threat of tree pests and diseases. Several examples of how the survey data can be used in planning a planting campaign are given. The report identifies how public authorities, householders and private landowners can all contribute to improve tree cover and recommends how relevant agencies might work together in partnership to discharge their responsibility to ensure that Petersfield retains its character and prosperity. The valuable role of community volunteers in contributing to projects of this kind is emphasised. The potential for adopting the kind of methodology used in the Petersfield survey for more widespread identification of places to plant trees in urban areas is discussed.